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The Best LMS (Learning Management Systems)

Learning management systems (LMSs) are software platforms for instructors to manage and organize educational courses online and provide students a single location for all course material. LMSs are used to help streamline information between educational institutions and students over the internet, allowing for increased learning capabilities that are more accessible to the general public.

The next generation energy intelligence platform

A next generation solution for today's energy conscious enterprise. Energy demand management has hundreds of smart features that help you save energy and money. Energy demand management performs more than 130 million calculations on energy data to pinpoint causes of energy loss, inefficient assets and identify areas for improvements.To help you find the complete information Energy Management software video



20 Amazing Brand Videos That Will Blow You Away

Creating content that our customers actually want to consume isn't as easy as you might think. Brands have to resist the temptation to promote themselves and talk about how great they are.

To help us learn from the best, I am constantly looking for brands that can produce content "sponsored by the brand" but not about the brand. I look for content that informs or entertains without being overly promotional.

Read more at Brand video

Using Constituent Advocacy for Grassroots

Since the inauguration of President Trump the rise in grassroots activism has been unprecedented. But not all grassroots activity is created equal. A certain kind, the one where local voters raise their concerns directly to decision-makers, is potentially the most effective of all. Constituent advocacy has been on the rise at town halls, local councils, and even some law makers’ district offices all across the country. And some groups, particularly those feeling threatened by White House or Congress’ initiatives, are using employees as their grassroots base.


Purpose Clarity

This month’s print edition of HBR makes mention of a new study supporting ‘the purpose-profit’ connection (p32).  The study looks at the relationship between strong purpose and public company financial performance. I believe the insights apply to all organizations – That is, any organization with a strong purpose will see increased performance.

When the Internet Fails and Crashes Your Day

What does one do when the Internet fails? Today, there were widespread interruptions reported along the east coast. The culprit: an Amazon AWS S3 outage, as reported by TechCrunch and others.  According to the TechCrunch post, even though Amazon S3 is “…used by less than .8 percent of the top 1 million websites,” it was having a major effect.

Top Leadership Skills Sought by Today’s Nonprofit Boards

Whether a board is seeking to replace a retiring executive director or requesting a search for a new CEO to move their organization to greater levels of success, the leadership skills they are seeking are much different than those of traditional nonprofit leaders.

the best video production services

We create dynamic motion pictures for some of the
world’s most admired brands.Our all-star team of writers, directors, producers,
and cinematographers handles projects of nearly
every scale and genre, from single-camera studio
interviews to multi-camera, multi-crew commercial
shoots, in multiple locations around the world.Regardless of the scope or budget, we approach
all projects the same way…
Make it better than you ever imagined it could be.

Create Your Your Own animations without buying any software

These days all the rage is in online services. So animation business was created strictly as an online application. That means that you don’t need to download any software to your computer, you don’t need to learn flash, and you don’t need to learn Photoshop.  All you need to do is log in, drag and drop characters or props into the animation maker, and start animating your own cartoon.

Read more here Animated Video Cost

The 10 Best Animated Videos...Ever

After being inspired by 19 straight hours of VH1's "1,000 Best Music Videos of the '90s", we went out and put together our own top 10 list of the best animated videos. Each video on this list effectively explains a business, product or service in 2-minutes or less. Best of all, you can find almost all of these talented producers in the creative community here at Animated Video Pricing
